Anna University New Syllabus Pattern 2017-18 - Generating
Employment Opportunities
New Syllabus Pattern 2017 Anna University
Anna University has decided to introduce new syllabus for all the students who are joining in the upcoming academic years. To generate the employment opportunities for the students University decided to frame the syllabus.Hence, This syllabus is expected come into force by the year 2017-18.
University Official said that, There are 400 staffs working on framing the new syllabus pattern. Every 4 year ones, University used to revised the regulation pattern for all affiliated colleges. Due to lack of Employment Opportunities prevailing across the state, we have decided to revise the pattern. Hence, All subjects for both UG and PG will have new syllabus pattern from next academic year. Officials also added that " Students can choose their elective by their own interest." For instance, If a Civil Engineering Students wish to Study a Electrical Engineering Subject, He can choose that subject as an elective. This New syllabus pattern will come into existence after getting approval.
Highlights of Regulation 2017 Syllabus Exam Patterns :
Students must re-register, reappear
Anna University has done away with the system of arrears from the current academic year. Instead, students would have to re-register and reappear for exams they had not passed in a semester, when the subject is offered next.
The students must, however, appear for all the internal tests held for the subject through the semester and may sit in a class when the subject is being taught if they wish, but it is not compulsory. The rule comes into force in all affiliated colleges from the current academic year that starts on September 1, said T.V. Geetha, Dean, College of Engineering.
New courses introduced
Based on the guidelines issued by the All India Council for Technical Education, the University has introduced new categories of courses in humanities and social sciences; basic sciences; engineering sciences; professional core; and professional electives. The University will also offer open electives, courses from other branches of BE/B Tech, which a student can choose from a list specified in the curriculum.
Candidates will be offered a set of employability enhancement courses such as internship, participation in seminars, professional practices, summer project, case study and industrial/practical training as part of the curriculum.
A set of value added courses has also been introduced. The courses will be listed in the mark list with a grade. These courses should be in addition to the total credit requirement prescribed in the curriculum required for a degree. The courses should not include areas already covered as core or elective.
Students may take one online course from the list approved by the Centre for Academic courses. Students will be evaluated through end-semester exams that will be conducted by Anna University.
Students would be allowed to register only for 36 credit hours in the third year (5th and 6th semester); including the courses they may have failed.
Take industry projects in final semester
Anna University students can now undertake industry projects or research projects in their final semesters for a period of six months, given they finish their final semester earlier.
The university's academic council decided this on Wednesday. It announced that students who have a CGPA of 7.5 and above, can pursue their final semester project work through any institute for six months, provided they complete the semester work by their sixth and seventh semesters.
In the meeting, it was also decided that students can also skip an elective and avail equivalent course credits from an online course, recognised by the Council for Academic courses. The 22nd academic council meeting also ruled that a value added credit system will be in place "keeping in trend with the education system followed presently".
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